100+ Easy Names for Parrots to Say
Do you have a pet parrot? If so, you know how clever and talking they can be. Parrots are very vocal animals and love to mimic the sounds they hear.
This blog post will give you over 100 name ideas that your parrot can say, call, or pronounce! We hope you find this list helpful and that it gives your parrot some new words to learn.
Read on!
What Parrots Can Easily Learn to Say Human Names?
Parrots are popular because of their ability to talk and mimic human speech. It’s fascinating how a parrot can learn to say human names repeat what you say most of the time and answer simple questions. However, there are parrot species that will find it easy to learn and say human names and there are others that are not particularly good talkers.
Below is a list of parrots that can easily learn to say human names;
African Grey
The African grey parrot is ranked as one of the most intelligent parrot species. This makes it a parrot of choice when looking for a parrot that can easily learn to say names and talk.
The African grey parrot can learn between 50 and 100 vocabularies. Some researchers even argue that the African grey parrot can speak up to 1000 words when they are properly trained.
This ability allows them to easily learn your names and become capable of creating a bond with their owners.
Amazon Parrot
The amazon parrot has been listed as one of the best-talking parrots in the world. Many species of the amazon parrot are better at speaking phrases while others are moderate talkers and whistles.
The exciting thing about amazon parrots is that their speech is clearer than the speech of African greys. With a clear speech like that it will be quite easy for an amazon parrot to learn to say human names with a little training and interaction.
Budgies are considered to be a smaller parrot species but they are very lively, interactive fun to be around. Not minding their size, budgies can learn and develop extensive vocabulary.
Budgies hold a Guinness world record for speaking the largest vocabulary 1728 words amongst the different parrot species.
This is to say that budgies can develop extensive vocabulary. However, the only thing that makes budgies overlooked when choosing talking parrots is the fact that their speaking voice is very and barely audible enough to understand.
The number one thing that stands out about macaws is their beautiful colors. However, macaws are not only beautiful and spectacular but they have a moderate talking ability with a loud and clear voice.
Macaws can learn as many as 50 words and this makes it easy for them to learn how to say human names with the right training.
Cockatoos especially the males are very intelligent and excellent talkers. They can develop their vocabulary for up to 30 words and are very noisy.
The ability of cockatoos to talk is rated as average as well as the clarity of the words they say. Cockatoos can learn to easily say human names with the right training.
At What Age Can A Parrot Be Able to Say Human Names?
Most parrot owners get fascinated more the moment their parrot starts talking. Of course, talking comes with the ability to learn and say human names. However, the question is, at what age can a parrot be able to say human names?
With the right training and instructions, your parrot can say your name at 12 months. It largely depends on the type of training and bond you’ve created with your parrot.
Parrots are fast learners and once the bond is there, it doesn’t take a lot of time for them to start mentioning your name and the names of other people around them.
5 Tips For Teaching Parrots To talk.
If you’re one of the many bird enthusiasts who have ever wanted to teach their pet parrot to talk, you’re in luck. While it may seem like a daunting task, with a little patience and perseverance, you can have your parrot saying “hello” in no time.
Here are five tips to get you started:
- Start with simple words and phrases that your parrot is likely to hear often. “Hello,” “goodbye,” and “I love you” are all good examples.
- Repeat the words and phrases frequently, using consistent intonation. Parrots are quick learners, so it won’t take long for them to imitate your speech.
- Encourage your parrot to vocalize by offering rewards when they make sounds. A simple treat or a scratch behind the head can be enough to reinforce positive behavior.
- Be patient! Some parrots may never learn to talk, but that doesn’t mean they can’t still enjoy a rich and full life.
- Finally, remember that different parrots have different personalities, so it’s important to tailor your approach to each bird. With a bit of patience and perseverance, you’ll be amazed at what your feathered friend is capable of!
30 Popular Easy Names for Parrots to Say
We know that some parrot species can mimic, talk, or say human words. But what are some easy names for parrots to say? Here are 30 suggestions:
- Rocky
- Kiwi
- Gizmo
- Ollie
- Bubbles
- Sunflower
- Cookie
- Snickers
- Peanut
- Butterscotch
- Mocha
- Pistachio
- Marshmallow
- Cupcake
- Sugar
- Spice
- Sprinkles
- Noodle
- Silly
- Goofy
- Dizzy
- Giggles
- Twinkle
- Starburst
- Blaze
- Ember
- Scrappy
- Rascal
- Boop
- Beep!
- Bea
- Taz
- Basil
- Sam
- Ken
- Sean
- Bj
- Abel
- Zoe
- Lily
- Honey
- Baby
- Noodle
- Blue
- Apple
100 Easy Male and Female Names for Parrots to Say
Most parrot species are known to speak or say a few words, but some can learn an extensive vocabulary. Here are 100 easy names for parrots to say:
- Polly
- Pepper
- Max
- Buddy
- Oscar
- Lily
- Bella
- Ruby
- Jasper
- Simon
- Charlie
- Coco
- Gizmo
- Tyson
- Cairo
- India
- Sydney
- Athena
- Bluebell
- Honey
- Misty
- Skye
- Jax
- Phoenix
- Marley
- Shadow
- Duke
- Oreo
- Bandit
- Smokey
- Ladybug
- Stitches
- Buttons
- Scrappy
- Bronson
- Knox
- Patch
- Ollie
- Bentley
- Quinn
- Rowdy
- Moose
- Tucker
- Harold
- Nigel
- Pickles
- Ace
- Rocky
- Kodiak
- Bentley
- Brody
- Gunner
- Diesel
- Tyson
- Rambo
- Jen
- Paco
- Pablo
- Pedro
- Bueno
- Simon
- Salvador
- Diego
- Miguel
- Eduardo
- Alfonso
- Roman
- Ricardo
- Luis
- Tony
- Vito
- Gino
- Mario
- Luigi
- Enzo
- Luke
- Jack
- Owen
- Noah
- Liam
- John
- Jake
- Hunter
- Cooper
- Miles
- Asher
- Aiden
- Greyson
- Caden
- Grayson
- Wyatt
- Max
- Aidan
- Brandon
- Jaxon
- Jason
- Jayden
- Lucas
- Jeremy
- Eva
- Faith
- Tess
- Dori
Conclusion:100+ Easy Names for Parrots to Say
A parrot is an excellent option if you’re looking for a bird that can say more than just its name. Parrots are known for their intelligence and ability to learn new words and phrases.
You can pick a few to teach your parrot with our list of over 100 different name ideas. Remember to start with simple words and phrases, and be patient while your parrot learns to mimic your speech.